Even if you have never had any trouble with your plumbing, you may eventually have issues with the main drain in your home. Once a main drain becomes clogged, water can back up through the bottom-level toilet connected to the drain.
All of the out-flow pipes in a home typically feed into the main drain, which exits the house and leads into the city sewer line. Thus, the contents of an upstairs toilet will flow into the main drain line of the home when the toilet is flushed.
Hearing differences between your two ears are normal. They are so normal that most people never notice. But, when the differences become too great to ignore your brain may interpret them as two different sounds. This condition, called diplacusis, may occur suddenly or may increase gradually over time. If you or someone you love is struggling with this rather unusual condition, you probably have a lot of questions.
What is Diplacusis?